Completion of personal education roadmap

The Junior College(Grades 11 and 12) is the extension of the Secondary School. After the IGCSE level examinations in Secondary 4, students may apply for admission to the Junior College(JC). The two years spent here culminate in a GCE 'A' Level Certificate which is one of the most recognized international qualifications used of r university admission around the globe.

After the IGCSE level examinations in middle school 3, students may apply for admission to the high school. The three years spent here culminate in a GCE 'A' Level Certificate which is one of the recognized international qualifications used for university admission around the globe

- General Characteristics of the SIS JC Curriculum

Character building is the prime focus of the Junior College. Students explore issues like morals and key human attributes needed to face a world filled with challenges. On-going political developments are discussed. International conflicts and environmental issues are put in perspective. Attributes lie integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, are encouraged and emphasized. Much of this is integrated in the Projects that they do and the curriculum that they will be exposed to. In short. students are expected to see beyond themselves, their family and their friends, and look towards society and the world they live in. Upon completion of their 2year term, a SIS Junior College student is expected to be resilient and resolute, an entrepreneurial and creative spirit and be able to think independently and creatively. The student will strive for excellence, have a zest for life and will also be prepared for further studies.

- Subject Offered

A key component of the JC curriculum is the Community Service Program which extends from the secondary school.

- CCA(Co-Curricular Activity)

Students will also have to take at least one CCA(Co-Curricular Activity) each semester. CCAs offered.



AM 09:00 ~ PM 06:00