Singapore International Gwangju Learning Center (SISGLC) is the first campus that SIS has established in Gwangju Metropolitan City, South Korea. There are Pre-School courses for 4-7 years old, Prep courses for the Singapore curriculum, and After school intensive and vacation camp courses.

SIS광주러닝센터어학원은 SIS가 한국의 광주광역시에 세운 첫번째 캠퍼스로 SIS의 모든 교육과정을 만날 수 있습니다.4~7세를 위한 유치부과정과 해외에 나가지 않고 싱가포르 커리큘럼으로 공부할 수 있는 Prep과정 및 방과후 집중 과정과 방학연수 과정이 있습니다.


Pre-School at SISGLC allows children ages 4-7 to learn English and Chinese as their native language through Hi-Light program before going to International Primary School. This course is to develop IQ(Intelligence), EQ(Emotion), SD(Sociality) systematically through various play and creative Inquiry-Based Learning.

SIS KIDS 과정은 4~7세 아이들이 International Primary School에 가기 전에 유치부 수업을 통해 영어와 중국어를 모국어처럼 배우고, 다양한 놀이와 창의적인 Inquiry-Based Learning 학습법을 통해 체계적으로 IQ(지능), EQ(감성), SD(사회성)를 배우는 과정입니다.

Type Contents
Title - International Pre-School
Grade - 4yr: N1(Nursery)
- 5yr: N2(Nursery
- 6yr: K1
- 7yr: K2(Advanced)
Curriculum - Singapore MOE Standard Curriculum
- Inquiry-Based Learning

- Prep course

Prep course is an international school curriculum without going abroad. We offer Dual Educational Pathway for students who wish to complete pre-school courses and continue to work together or prepare to study abroad at the same time. For creative education, we conduct project-based learning twice a year to solve problems for each team.

Preparatory course는 해외에 나가지 않고 교과과정으로 공부하는 과정입니다. SIS KIDS 과정을 마치고 계속 연계해서 공부하거나, 또는 한국 및 해외 유학을 동시에 준비하려는 학생들을 위해 Dual Educational Pathway를 제공 합니다. 창의 교육을 위해 팀별로 문제를 해결하는 Project-based Learning(프로젝트학습)을 연2회 진행하고 있습니다.

Type Contents
Title - Preparatory course
Grade G1~G12
Curriculum - Singapore MOE Standard Curriculum
- Cambridge International Examinations
- Inter-disciplinary project for integrated problem solving

- Afternoon Course

Afternoon course focus on learning English and Chinese by applying Singapore's advanced bilingual education system.

SIS의 단과 과정은 발달된 싱가포르의 이중언어교육 시스템을 적용하여 영어와 중국어를 집중해서 배우는 과정입니다.

Type Contents
English Intensive Program
- Grade: G1~G9
- Days: Daily Mon-Fri (Placement class in levels)
- Contents: English Text Book and Work Book, certified by the Singapore Ministry of Education,
focuses on sentence structure expansion and grammar in the four skills of speaking, listening, reading,
and writing of native teachers and English.
Chinese Intensive Program
- Grade: G1~G9
- Days: Daily Mon-Fri (Placement class in levels)
- Contents: Chinese text books and work books certified by the Singapore Ministry
of Education focus on expanding sentence structure and grammar with native Chinese teachers.
- HSK Exam Preparation

- Summer/Winter Academy

SIS Summer&Winter camp is an easy way to learn English and Chinese, like studying abroad at an International school.

SIS의 방학캠프는 해외에 나가지 않고 어학연수와 동일하게 영어와 중국어를 레벨별로 재미있게 배우는 과정 입니다.

Type Contents
Summer / Winter Academy - Grade: G1~G9
- Days: 10:00~14:20 for 3 weeks
- Contents: Create a habit of learning happily by stimulating interest in English and Chinese
/Build confidence in English and Chinese through a three-week appointment.

- Contact us


주소 2~6F, SIS Bldg, 17 Obang-ro, Nam-gu, Gwangju city, Korea(광주 남구 오방로 17 SIS 빌딩 2~5F)
연락처 +82-062-671-1611



AM 09:00 ~ PM 06:00